Directorate General of Sea Transportation has issued a decree letter of RECOGNIZED ASP to PT. SOG Indonesia.
On April 7 th 2009, the Director General of Sea Transportation has issued a decree letter of RECOGNIZED ASP to PT. SOG Indonesia. The letter number: NA 71/ 1/ 7/ DJPL – 09 is appointing PT. SOG Indonesia to do with Indonesian National LRIT Data Center on behalf of Directorate General of Sea Transportation (DGST) Ministry of Transportation , Republic of Indonesia as a Contracting Government refers to the provisions of regulation V/19-1 of the International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) 1974, as amended on Long Range Identification and Tracking of ships, and to the provisions of the revised performance standards and functional requirements for the long-range identification and tracking of ships adopted by resolution SC.263 (84)